2015 Invited Speakers, Panelists, and Participants
Tim Bodin, Cargill Minnesota
Kate Brauman, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
Juan Carlos Castilla-Rubio, Planetary Skin Institute
Varun Chandola, Buffalo University
Kamalika Das, NASA Ames
Timothy DelSole, George Mason University
Peder Engstrom, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
Sangram Ganguly, NASA Ames and Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Shafiqul Islam, Tufts University
Daniel Jiménez R., International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Kyran D. Mish, Sandia National Laboratories
Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University
Sai Ravela, MIT
Deepak Ray, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment
John Sharp, University of Texas at Austin
Brian Smoliak, The Climate Corporation
Padhraic Smyth, University of California Irvine
Karsten Steinhaeuser
Raju Vatsavai, North Carolina State University